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Showing posts with the label Windows

Java Runtime Environment 7 Update 25

The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) provides the libraries, the Java Virtual Machine, and other components to run applets and applications written in the Java programming language. In addition, two key deployment technologies are part of the JRE: Java Plug-in, which enables applets to run in popular browsers; and Java Web Start, which deploys standalone applications over a network. Users should install the 32-bit version if they are using 32-bit browsers. If you use both 32-bit and 64-bit browser interchangeably, you need a Java Plug-in for each browser. Hence you will need to install both 32-bit and 64-bit Java respectively. File Info : Release Date : 19 June 2013 OS               : Windows XP / Vista / 7 Developer      : oracle Medicine       : Freeware Size             : 30 MB Status...

Stardock Start8 1.1 PreActivated

Windows 8 is the operating system launched by Microsoft in 2012, and one of its innovations was the removal of the traditional Start Menu. Considering there are numerous people all over the world who are very much used to relying on this tool on a daily basis, software developers have started creating alternatives, such as Start8.  The installation process of Start8 can be completed without any issues and users can get a brand new Start Menu for their Windows 8 PC within minutes. The newly-generated Start Menu bear a striking resemblance to the one included in Windows 7, allowing users to easily search for their programs, access the Control Panel, open the Documents, Pictures and Music folders or to explore the games. It also provides users with power options, including restart, log off, sleep, hibernate or switch user accounts. Users can access the Configuration window of Start8 when they want to experiment with different styles of the Start Menu, until they are f...

Cara Membuka Windows 8 Apps Pada Resulusi Rendah

In Windows 8 when you try to run one of the Windows Store (Metro) apps you get a message saying “This app cannot open” followed by “The screen resolution is too low for this app to run.”  Then is gives you a shortcut to “Change your screen resolution”.  If this has happened to you chances are you are tying to run Windows 8 on a Netbook, Tablet, or older Laptop.

Cara Instal .Net Framework 3.5 Offline pada Windows 8

Jika anda pengguna windows 8, pasti sudah pernah menjumpai "This Following Feature Couldn't Installed : .Net Framework 3.5 Required" kan...?? Nah sekarang saya akan share cara instal .Net Framework 3.5 Secara Offline. Berikut langkah-langkahnya :

Microsoft Zune 4.8.23 Full

Zune software is your one stop for music and entertainment. Zune allows you to manage and view your songs, videos, and pictures. Rip and burn CDs. Create playlists. Edit track and album information. And Zune software can automatically import your existing files, including your music and video from iTunes and Windows Media Player.

Cara Install Windows 7 Lengkap Dengan Gambar

Bagi yang belum pernah menginstall windows 7 ke komputer atau laptop. berikut cara menginstall windows 7 lengkap dengan gambar gambarnya. Langkah2 ini baik dengan menggunakan media DVD ataupun media lain seperti memakai flashdisk adalah sama, baik itu untuk versi 32bit maupun versi 64bit.

Cara Install Windows 7 dan 8 dari flashdisk tanpa aplikasi

Selama ini kita pasti sudah biasa Install Windows dari CD/DVD, tapi bagaimana kalau install windows dari FlashDisk. Terdengar sangat aneh dan mungkin, tapi ternyata memang berhasil dan sudah saya coba ke berbagai laptop dan komputer.

Free Download Windows 8 RTM FInal

Windows 8 RTM final sekarang sudah bisa anda download secara gratis dan anda juga bisa mendapatkan lisensi gratis selama 3 bulan full, berbeda dengan versi windows 8 yang lain yang masih beta, windows 8 RTM sudah versi final layaknya windows 8 Enterprise yang diperuntukkan bagi pengguna komersial.

Cara Menghapus Dual Boot dengan CMD

Saat kita install ulang baru saja menggunakan Dual Boot, dan akan mengganti Operation Sistem sesekali kita menemukan pilihan menu saat Booting, yang bertuliskan Earlier Version of Windows. Tentu saja ini sangat mengganggu. Kali ni saya akan share cara menghilangkan atau menghapus pilihan boot itu.