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A new Windows installation usually requires that third-party software is also installed in order to meet daily demands. Whether you think of an antivirus, a CD / DVD tool, compression utility, file manager, Internet browser, office suite or multimedia players, you normally go with a particular set. When it comes to video players, there a few that really do their job properly. KMPlayer sits at the top, sharing its ranks with other notorious applications such as Windows Media Player, VLC media player, BS.Player or Gom Player. The installation process of KMPlayer needs your focus as you go from one step to the next one. You are asked to select the type of install by choosing from `Recommended`, `Full Install` and other codec-free installations. This is the first place where you encounter one of the reasons that list KMPlayer as `ad-supported` on Softpedia – the PandoraTV Desktop icon. At the end of the process, you are also prompted to install the KMPMedia Search Bar – yo...

Mozilla Firefox 19.0.1 Final

Mozilla Firefox is an open source web browser with a clean design, providing excellent browsing speed and very powerful customization tools, with just a reasonable footprint on computer resources. Firefox bundles features that include smart bookmarks, spell check, private browsing, a download manager, incremental find, tab grouping (gathers related tabs and organizes them into groups) and several others. In addition to these, Firefox also accommodates a series of tools for developers, such as the DOM Inspector and the Error Console.

Cara Membuka Windows 8 Apps Pada Resulusi Rendah

In Windows 8 when you try to run one of the Windows Store (Metro) apps you get a message saying “This app cannot open” followed by “The screen resolution is too low for this app to run.”  Then is gives you a shortcut to “Change your screen resolution”.  If this has happened to you chances are you are tying to run Windows 8 on a Netbook, Tablet, or older Laptop.

Cara Instal .Net Framework 3.5 Offline pada Windows 8

Jika anda pengguna windows 8, pasti sudah pernah menjumpai "This Following Feature Couldn't Installed : .Net Framework 3.5 Required" kan...?? Nah sekarang saya akan share cara instal .Net Framework 3.5 Secara Offline. Berikut langkah-langkahnya :

Microsoft Zune 4.8.23 Full

Zune software is your one stop for music and entertainment. Zune allows you to manage and view your songs, videos, and pictures. Rip and burn CDs. Create playlists. Edit track and album information. And Zune software can automatically import your existing files, including your music and video from iTunes and Windows Media Player.

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 Preview Full Version

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 Preview adalah sebuah software yang baru dalam tahap percobaan Microsoft Corp . Memang sangat tidak terasa sekali kalau sobat yang masih menggunakan Microsoft Office 2007 yang lumayan banyak digunakan oleh semua kalangan . Walaupun menurut saya Microsoft Office 2010 memang agak baru dan sebagian besar juga banyak yang belum menyobanya . Ternyata seiring perkembangan Microsoft juga merilis kembali Office terbarunya yang dirancang khusus sehingga support dengan Windows 8 yang akan dirilis beberapa waktu lagi . 

Cara Install Windows 7 Dari Flashdisk

Setelah kemaren saya share tentang Cara Instal Windows Dari Flashdisk Tanpa Aplikasi, sekarang saya akan share Cara Instal Windows Dari Flashdisk Dengan Aplikasi. Cara ini sangat cocok buat anda yand mempunyai notebook yang tidak memiliki CD/DVD drive. Ok Langsung Saja ke caranya . . .